Sloane had a great time seeing her Uncle Ross again, who introduced her to a rain forest at the Academy in Golden Gate Park and played her goldfish game as long as she wanted (I doubt anyone's ever been forced to eat so many goldfish in such rapid succession). She also got to meet Ross' boyfriend Nick, who even earned the highly desired (but often elusive) big hug from little miss Sloane herself. She has good taste, so clearly her uncle does too!
Sloane and her 'rents had a wonderful weekend in San Francisco. We stayed with Leo and Leah, who, after these many months of loyal blog following, clearly deserve their very own post! Sloane slept like an angel at their house, but was so excited to wake up so she could play with them. They were such troopers (but we may have delayed their decision to have children by a few years).
We thought it was pretty funny when we got this notation of Sloane's stats from the nurse today. She had to remeasure Sloane's head just to make sure she got it right. I guess there has never been a little girl in history with a head her size, lol. Doctor says it's because of all the brains. ;) To put her head size in perspective, please note that the headband that comfortably fits her in the pictures below belongs TO HER FATHER, who, let's be honest, doesn't exactly have a small head himself.