Sloane went to the Studio City farmer's market today and hung out with some animals (who indicated that they would, in fact, say hello to their muthas for us). She wasn't too thrilled by the petting zoo, to be honest, and was much more interested in the other kids and sitting in all the kiddie chairs in the zoo (pouncing as soon as some other child would leave the chair momentarily defenseless). And, even when a pig became very interested in her, her reaction was priceless: she ignored him, peering out beyond the gate to get very excited about a passing "doggie!" Dizzy would have approved; he has taught her well. Yes, Sloane, dogs are MUCH more interesting that the rabble at the petting zoo.
She did make an exception for a bunny rabbit however, getting pretty excited when her daddy handed him to her. It sat in her lap for a bit and they both seemed pretty into it until he hopped back into his box.
On the other hand, Sloane was VERY excited about the pony rides and repeatedly exclaimed, "HORSE!" (or, "howse!", as she says it -- so cute!) She really dug the pony ride this time!
(** YIKES, just felt that earthquake!! Wonder how big it was? All's fine here and little one slept right through it. xoxo) (ps. just looked it up and supposedly it was a 5.0 -- good, nothing major.)