Sloane and her mommy had breakfast with a couple of her friends from elementary school, Stacy and Leslye. Per usual, Sloane was a hit! (And, boy does it work to "gossip" about how great an eater she is! She ate all her strawberries and tons of scrambled eggs. Good work Sloane!)
We've got the car seat installed, the bassinet ready to go, a double stroller ready for you and your big sis, your swing, size one diapers and I'm washing your clothes in baby detergent today. So, whenever you are ready . . . we'd love to meet you!
My little muffin celebrated her second birthday at day care. They let the little ones bake muffins for the class on their birthdays, and they get to make wear birthday crowns all day. Very, very cute! I've also included a few recent shots of Sloane on the way home from day care. She insists that it is "Sloane's turn to drive" everytime we get into the car. I don't think she has a license yet, so I'm not sure if I should keep letting her drive us home. But, what can I do? She's very insistent -- and, pretty fabulous with parallel parking, I must say. I just wish she wouldn't talk on her cell while she drives. It's so dangerous!
I think the party was a big success (and that we are all just recovering now, a week later!) Sloane was a little apprehensive at first with all the guests and having to share her toys . . . but, bubbles and cupcakes seemed to pick up her mood considerably. After a while, she was running around with all the other toddlers, screaming and having a jolly good time. Yay, Sloane is TWO!