Sloane and her mommy went to Travel Town (at Griffith Park) on Sunday with the Woon-Lifraks (Ronan, Bodhi, Iris, Mike and Mike's mom, Ann Marie). We had a great time checking out the trains -- Sloane particularly LOVED climbing everything in sight. She is such a dare-devil! Her other favorite part was running through the empty passenger car screaming with delight. In fact, she loved it so much, she ran right through a family trying to take a picture. As I apologized while running after her, who should I see trying to take the picture of his family? Yep, Dennis Quaid. Ha! Oh, Sloane!
Also, the last picture cracks me up too. A little boy (20 months) was SO insistent on kissing Sloane (REPEATEDLY!), and Sloane ultimately so resistant, that he decided tackling her for more hugs was the only option. (Don't worry, his mommy and I rescued her seconds after I captured it on film.) After that, Sloane and I (along with Ronan and family), went for a ride in the little train that circles the park. What fun! We'll definitely be going again soon!