Or, Psycho Baby? Dan's really the punny one in the family, so maybe he can help me out here. We've got a "shower" scene close to Halloween, so you do the math.
Sunday was fantastic. Mommy and the kids didn't leave the house! I can't remember the last time I did that -- it's been months. Daddy played in a poker tournament and came in 12th out of 80! Great result. Too bad Tom Cruise's ex Mimi Rogers beat Dan to the final 11. While he was away, the kids and I carved a jack-o-lantern that I tried to make look like Mickey Mouse. Surprisingly, Dexter was WAY more into the activity than Sloane, who thought the pumpkin's insides were "disgusting" (she's not wrong!) and after about 20 minutes wanted "a movie and rest, please." She did enjoy helping draw the facial features with me though. Dexter sat in the kitchen digging around in the pumking with a spoon for quite a long time after that. I think he really got the concept of trying to get stuff out and put it into the bowl. Great job, kids! * note the screws needed in the top of the jack-o-lantern -- Dizzy ran off with it at one point and had enough time to chew off enough to make it fall through the opening -- scamp!
Please meet the newest member of our family, a spooky skeleton effectionately named Skully. Sloane was scared of him at first, but her desire to "push the button" to make his eyes glow red really got the best of her. Now, every morning as my car backs out of the garage, she yells "Bye Skully!" For now, this has replaced the usual "Bye Daddy's car!"
The fam went to Topanga Plaza on Saturday evening to hang out with mommy's friend Stacy and also to get Dexter's first haircut. It was getting a little "business in the front, party in the back" for mommy's taste, so it seemed like a good time. He was great and didn't cry at all. Sloane got a trim too and was also a model citizen.
The fam spent Saturday morning celebrating Georgia's 3rd birthday -- and as usual, Sloane did NOT want to leave. I think Dexter is now thoroughly sold on the little yellow sports car too! And, now Sloane is in love with G's doll house too ... I'm thinking I know what to get her for the holidays. The kids also got to paint, play with friends and on swings and with bubbles and eat delicious cake. Fun!