Despite the near freezing temps (48F, which is freezing in SoCal!), the fam had a fun time at Magic Mountain today. And, we've got our 2011 season passes. So, anyone out there with a desire to take a spin through Bugs Bunny Land or on the Carousel, the Log Jammer or the Buccaneer (ie, rides with no height limit if accompanied by an adult), give us a call!
We had a wonderful Christmas with the McKenzies. Ross came to visit from San Francisco and Cookie grandma came to the house on Christmas morning. After our Christmas lunch, we went to visit Cookie grandpa in the hospital. He is doing better day by day, but he still isn't able to communicate, which is really hard for everyone. Still, he is able to say more words every day and speech therapy should start on Monday. We are still very positive about the chances for a full recovery. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, we have many diversions at the house. Sloane LOVES her new doll house (which took poor Daddy Dan until 3am on Christmas morning to put together)! Dex is finally getting over his cold, so hopefully he can finally pay proper attention to all of his loot. Too many presents: it will take all day to clean this place up AND the kids didn't even get to the presents in their stockings. ha! I'll need to reevaluate for next year. Or, maybe Christmas will last until the new year!
The family had a great time visiting the "boo-boo" grandparents in Colorado. Dex "loved" seeing snow for the first time. He didn't cry very much and was able to fall asleep repeatedly outside on a sled with snow pelting his face, so we count that as a complete and total victory. And, Sloane "loved" skiing -- and by that I mean she did NOT love it. She kept the skis on for about 5 seconds while screaming that her boots hurt and eventually let her daddy take her on the magic carpet on the bunny slopes on the sled. But, it was a great trip and, though exhausted and fighting colds, the kids and the rest of us had a great time. Next time, we'll prepare the kids mentally to be excited about skiing and I think they will both want to do it. They are already on board with sledding, so that will be fun too. Now mommy just has to work on the darn elevation sickness. Any recommendations out there?
The fam went to a birthday party for a girl in Sloane's precious panda's class -- Emerson -- on Saturday. As it turns out, it was also her twin sister's Grace's birthday too. What are the odds? There were princesses and a bouncy house, so I think we all know it was a big hit. It was at a gorgeous house in Hancock Park too. Very fun!
Last weekend (Dec. 4), Sloane's preschool had an art fair/holiday party and the whole family was invited. Sloane liked hanging at school with her fam -- and I think Dex really liked the idea of having a "big kid" play ground next year.