Sunday, April 29, 2007

McKenzie visit

Family portrait sans Ross . . . hopefully he'll be coming to town soon!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Baby is a Rock Star

Laura and Shane and baby girl McKendelsohn out on the dance floor at Laura's bachelorette.
Somehow I managed to make it past midnight and not turn into a pumpkin. Yes, I'm pretty impressed with myself! You can't actually see the enormity of the belly in this picture . . . needless to say, watching guys walk up to our group on the dance floor, try to dance with me for one second and then recoil in horror was priceless. She is the perfect repellant for sleazy guys!!! (and, don't worry, that's cranberry juice!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spoiler Alert

The lawsuit is almost done. I'll provide details when everything is finalized, but the situation is approximately thus:

Claudia was really surprised to hear the news:

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Baby School

We went to the first of four Childbirth classes this morning at Cedars Sinai hospital. Yesterday, we toured the maternity ward at Good Samaritan, where the baby will actually be born, so it has been an action-packed week. Today we learned the different stages of labor, the importance of breathing techniques, and the benefits of using placenta as a fishing bait, and oh god do I wish I was making the last one up. They also asked me what my favorite part of the pregnancy was, and of course I was like, I can only pick *one* thing? But it turns out the answer is:

That's an acutal picture of the baby as of today. Lifelike, huh?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pre-Baby Pictures

Here's the latest from In the Belly of the Shane. The top picture (?) is the baby's chromosomes, which proves scientifically that we don't know what to say when a doctor asks, "So, do you want to see her chromosomes?" I think it's good that there are 23 sets, and the lack of anything above "Y" is probably good, but beyond that I haven't a clue. Maybe an expert with a microscope could look at this stuff and be like, oh, she's left-handed, and evil. Then there's the new sonogram picture. If you look closely enough, you can see your reflection in your computer screen.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Grandpa video

Here's the man with a message for Gabrielle, Claudia and #3: