Sloane, Dan and I hit New York by storm! Sloane was absolutely fabulous on the plane -- thank goodness! She slept almost the entire way (both ways!) and you can see from the photo that Dan was a big help -- ha ha. Actually, she insisted on lying on me the whole time, which worked out because both flights were completely full and there was no space for her car seat. She was also wonderful at restaurants, and with baby-sitters extraordinaire, Dan, Sasha, Clara and Theo, so we're told. She also got to meet Kristen, Jackie, Erin and a bunch of other people at a restaurant and even more at a bar. (So, yes, we had a baby . . . at a BAR.) When we landed, she told us she had a "date with the city," and so it was. In homage to Sex and the City, she now has a crush on "Mr. Small" (a.k.a. Theo) and will hopefully be meeting up with him in Paris in a few seasons. Although it seems unlikely he will be able to remain faithful at this point, at least she got to hang out with Mr. Small all night on Saturday evening, while Dan and I went to Steve & Claire's wedding.
The only issue she seemed to have was with the hotel room. For whatever reason, she screamed a good deal in there, and it was only on day two that we realized that we should push her up and down the corridor from the door to the bed in her stroller (because OF COURSE, that's what she wanted -- duh!). I hope none of Steve and Claire's other wedding guests were the occupants of the room next door. They were not too happy when she started screaming at 8:30 am for two hours on Saturday morning. (at least it wasn't 3:30! but, they didn't seem to be looking at it like that when they banged on the door between our rooms repeatedly. "Oh, is there a baby screaming in our room? sorry, I guess we didn't HEAR her!")
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