Sloane, Dex and I had round II at the pumpkin patch today. A free bouncey house was too much to pass up, even two days in a row. Plus, with our haste to get to the party on Saturday night, we missed about half of the "attractions," including the myriad of things for Sloane to climb (her favorite!), including a giant jack-o-lantern (do you see my pumpkin peaking out from inside the pumpkin?), tractor, giant shoe, coach/jail(?) contraption, haystacks, etc. etc. Of course the bouncey house was revisited (repeatedly) on Sunday as well. Dex was cool again and mostly slept in his snugride. I guess he figured he should help mommmy keep him and his sister occupied, since he was part of the reason for the return trip. The goal was to keep the kids out of the house long enough for Daddy to move out of his office so that it can soon become Dexter's room. The furniture will be moved this week . . . Dexter starts daycare in about a week . . . then Mommy is going to attempt to paint the room by herself (with help from Grandma McKenzie). Fingers crossed!