Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What have the Lil' ones been up to?

Both kids are getting bigger by the minute (but I guess not fast enough for Sloane, as made clear by the sign she holds in her grandma's garden). Next, you see Dex in one of his more and more frequent fits of smiling, which just tickle me to death.

Then you see Dex just about to cry, which is somehow still cute to me because of that widdle wip stuck out in a pout. But, as you can see from the next pic, he really doesn't hate the jumperoo. In fact, he's liking it more and more and has even hung out there for about 10 minutes at a stretch without crying (that's an awake record, I think). To the left, we've got a pic of Sloane practicing her "angry face." (It's part of her "emotions" repertoire, which also includes happy, sad, surprised and silly.)

Finally, our little star is waving her wand (actually, it's mommy's Glinda wand for Halloween) on her way out the door with her suitcase to spend a night at grandma's house. We've been showing her scenes from The Wizard of Oz in preparation for Halloween and her favorite (by far!) is the Lollipop Guild dance in Munchkin land (she kicks her legs along with them; it's disgustingly CUTE). She also knows who everyone in her family will be for Halloween (just ask her if you get the chance): Dorothy (Sloane), [Brave lil] Lion (Dexter), Glinda (mommy), and Tin Man (daddy). (No, Dizzy will not be Toto, that's just RUDE!) Whenever she's watching the film and she sees Dorothy, she yells' "That's ME!"

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