We slipped up for a few months. Until about a week ago, Sloane was sleeping in our bed. I think it started when I was working for weeks on end and Dan had to take care of the kids all by himself and we were both just too tired to do anything about it. So, she won. But, then we got our collective butts in gear and it was funny how easy it was to set her straight. It involved a daily sticker chart and the promise of a present if she made it all the way through 4 nights in a row. She got to pick the present. Without hesitation she said: "A Belle Dress!" And, so it was decreed. (She had the Belle doll from before when she and her mommy went to a sing-a-long screening of Beauty and the Beast at El Capitan Theatre.) She is again the princess of her castle bed. And, she's loving it! So are we.

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