Happy Birthday, Dan!!! We celebrated Dan's birth again on Saturday at Burning Dan II (named after the Burning Man festival that culminates in the burning of an effigy, much like Burning Dan). We had a great turnout and so many sweets!
Sloane made a brief appearance at the beginning of the party and then asked to go to bed, which is a new one! She's usually pretty social, but I think she was especially tired yesterday -- she didn't seem too thrilled about all the new faces at her house. You might think Dizzy would share that sentiment, but he was tickled pink to host a soiree for his dear old dad. And, as usual, he picked out the prettiest girl at the party and decided he must make her "his." Sorry, Milan! Thanks for being such a great sport!
It was so great to see everyone. Tune in for details on Burning Dan III, coming some day to a Mendelsohn residence near you.

Dan put signs up around the neighborhood to direct attendees to the Burning Dan festival.

Sloane hangs with Daddy and out first guest, Ethan Gold.

Dan and some of our guests hanging out on the back patio with one of the two outdoor fire pits -- this one seemed to reach heights of ten feet at least.

The fire on Dan's cake didn't reach quite so high -- his wife opted for the name candle instead of 39 candles. :)

Happy Birthday to you!

Dan burns himself in effigy -- what does this MEAN???

The "late night" crew, which these days means 11p.m.

Dan's new facebook picture?
I love you, Dan!