But, what we did see was pretty great.

Morrissey played some of my favorites -- Girlfriend in a Coma, Ask, Some Girls are Bigger Than Others, and How Soon is Now. And, of course, he's such a whiney baby - and I love it! (he half-assed his way through several of these songs and others, claiming he could barely make through all the smells of "burning flesh" -- there was a BBQ stand near the main stage or something. He hasn't changed!)

Paul McCartney performed as well, closing on Friday night. He was really great and made this exhausted hormonal pregnant woman cry and cry! He played Long and Winding Road, which is probably my favorite Beatles song and always makes me feel rather weepy. He then dedicated his performance to his late wife Linda, telling us it was the 11th anniversary of Linda's death. Then he played 'My Love', choking up through the performance. It was so moving. Then he played Blackbird acoustic, which is such a sweet song and is special to me because Dan plays it on his guitar all the time -- so that didn't exactly stop the water works. THEN, right after that, he starts talking about John and how much he loved him and misses him -- as people are holding up pictures of John in the audience -- and then plays "Here Today," the song that he wrote for John right after he was killed. Holy moly, it was a monsoon of emotion for me. It was worth the driving. (Here I go again!)
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