My two scamps like to play in the morning. Sloane hid behind the curtains in her room and Dex crawled in to be with her, she would scream and they would both run/crawl out laughing hysterically. Once upstairs, they had a chat with the Diz through the glass (who was visiting who in prison? hard to tell). It was cute how the kids wanted Diz inside because Diz wanted to be inside. They are all becoming buds now. I'm not sure why/if Sloane was scolding Dex with a wag of the finger below, but it sure looks like -- and as if Dex could listen to her scold him for hours on end! So cute.
The fam went to a drum circle for kids on Saturday morning in Van Nuys with Tannis, Jeremy and Anna. It was so much fun! We are definitely going to make this a regular event. Kids get to run around and bang on drums, dance to the music and sing. Sloane grabbed the mic and would have continued to steal the spotlight with (her new boyfriend) the music director, if there weren't other kids that also deserved a chance. As the video below makes clear, she jumped right up on the "stage" and belted out the tunes -- including the ABC song and Puff the Magic Dragon (her choice -- ha!). So FUN.
The fam spent Saturday afternoon at Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. The wounds from the era of wedding planning have pretty much healed (at least for me, not sure I can say the same about Dan, but he did hide the pain rather well). Sloane loved running up and down the stairs and making wishes in various fountains (next time, I'll bring more change). But, she was (understandably) disappointed she wasn't allowed to go inside the "big castle." And, the big lawn in the front is being re-planted, so that was a bum out. Dex liked crawling around, but the big lawn would have been better for that -- too many fountains and stairs and steep terraces up top for my little crawler. Still we had fun, and then finished off the afternoon with hamburgers, sweet potato fries and shakes at the Counter. Yum!
These are some recent cute pix from around the house. Dex and Sloane both love playing in the "club house." She chases him inside and vice versa -- and then I hear them giggling and screaming in there with delight. Who am I to interrupt the club meeting? And, the last pic is of Sloane helping daddy fill his tires with air. She HAD to go outside to help. While I was helping her put her shoes on so she could join her daddy outside, she kept yelling, "Daddy, wait for me!" So cute. It must have really tuckered her out. The last picture is of her sleeping "in the big bed." This is a somewhat recent phenomenon. She insists on sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed. We actually "got her" to sleep in her own bed last night (letting her pass out on the couch watching the Lion King for the ten thousandth time). Maybe that'll be the new routine, ha ha.
Last weekend on September 11, Dan and I went to Brian and Lisa's beautiful wedding in Malibu, high a top a hill overlooking the coast. It was so great to see friends I hadn't seen in a while -- one who I hadn't seen in about 13 years!!! Trojan TDS (circa 1994) is still going strong!
Rhoads, Melly and Brian came over today for a play date with Dex. (Awww, I think this was Dexter's first official play date! Poor kid ... mommy really needs to get it togethr for little Dex!) Dex and Rhoads both had a lot of fun, playing near each other more than with ... but, we'll work on that. I think Dex was especially fond of Brian -- so sweet! Sloane also had a good time, bossing the boys around, telling everyone to repeat her favorite parts of stories during "story time," watching Kung Fu Panda with the boys (and specifically requested that Mellyw watch with her) and showing off her room. It was fun! We'll have to hang out more often ...