Tuesday was Sloane's first day at school (after Fountain Day's 2 week end-of-summer hiatus). She is in the 3 year old preschool room now with Ms. Laura and Ms. Susie. Some of the "old gang" from Ms. Heather and Ms. April's class is back, but there are also some new kids. Waiting for her turn to paint at the easle, she shook hands with one of the new boys (Isaac? mommy is so bad with names!) Mommy practiced shaking hands and saying "nice to meet you" with Sloane the night before -- so adorable that she actually did it! He is adorable too and they are beyond cute together. On day number two, they chased each other around on tricycles and shook hands again when they ran into each other. The teachers said she is very loving and loves to hug everybody. That's my girl!
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