These are some recent cute pix from around the house. Dex and Sloane both love playing in the "club house." She chases him inside and vice versa -- and then I hear them giggling and screaming in there with delight. Who am I to interrupt the club meeting? And, the last pic is of Sloane helping daddy fill his tires with air. She HAD to go outside to help. While I was helping her put her shoes on so she could join her daddy outside, she kept yelling, "Daddy, wait for me!" So cute. It must have really tuckered her out. The last picture is of her sleeping "in the big bed." This is a somewhat recent phenomenon. She insists on sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed. We actually "got her" to sleep in her own bed last night (letting her pass out on the couch watching the Lion King for the ten thousandth time). Maybe that'll be the new routine, ha ha.
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