Mommy's friend Will Mack (from CLS, now the "Deputy Associate Counsel Presidential Personnel," or so says his business card) gave us a private tour of the West Wing of the White House when we arrived in DC. As promised, it was really something special. We got to see the Oval Office (featuring the "Resolute Desk," including the door at the bottom used to hide FDR's wheelchair, which JFK Jr. crawled through as a kid; Will also explained that Reagan had the desk raised to accomodate his height), the Roosevelt Room (complete with Teddy's Medal of Honor and Nobel Peace Prize), the Cabinet Room (including an interesting bust of Washington in a toga ... I've got to find out more about that one), the door of the Situation Room, the Rose Garden (which had many beautiful tulips, but not a rose to be seen), the cafeteria (staffed by US Navy "culinary specialists"), the famous Ming vases brought in by Nixon (which you can just barely see through the doors in the photos below), Norman Rockwell's So You Want to See the President series and a ton of other cool stuff. And of course, no White House tour would be complete without the official Presidential M&Ms *signed* by the Commander in Chief!

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